Here are a few images from my fifth graders newly completed Romero Britto inspired project.
The whole project took about 5 to 6 classes. We began by viewing and discussing some Britto artworks and the artist's life using PowerPoint. I then gave the kids a packet of Britto artworks to use as reference and gave them the option of using the same subject matter or choosing their own animal to use. Students make a couple of practice sketches on printer paper, then chose their favorite one, transferring it to 16x20" paper in pencil.
I then gave each table a plate with 5 different colored paint cups on it, each paint color had it's own paintbrush so students would have to constantly wash and clean their brushes. The painting took 2 1/2 (40 minute) class periods and each period I would give them some different colors. I gave the kids the option of leaving some white spaces but most students didn't.
After painting the colors, I had them outline all their shapes with thick black lines. On the last day I gave out Mr. Sketch markers and had them add patterns to a few of their shapes. Some students who were fast painters added painted patterns, but for finer designs the Mr. Sketch were much easier to use than paintbrushes.