
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Summer Project

After the closing of the school year I found myself again antsy to start some of my own artwork (something that gets severely neglected during the school year). I started brainstorming some things I could work on and originally I was going to take my old dollhouse out of the garage and re-do that. I did some research on dollhouses and found that in order to really create a nice one, it costs quite a bit of money for doll furniture and accessories. Plus, as I went along I realized there wasn't much room for creativity in designing a traditional dollhouse. Luckily I ended up stumbling on a book entitled 'Mixed Media Dollhouses' by Tally Oliveau and Julie Molina which uses assemblage/heritage style art to create these really interesting diorama-like dollhouse rooms. The book shows examples of 'dollhouse' rooms from various artists who each chose a different theme. It's a very inspiring book to look at, and who couldn't use some summer inspiration!

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