
Monday, August 2, 2010

I can't believe there's only 4 days left!

4 days till the end of my summer crafts class at the middle school I"m working at this summer. This is the first summer I taught crafts, (last summer I taught cartooning) and I'm glad that I got to. If offered the opportunity next year I'll definitely teach it again. I'm going to post some of the projects I did once I get a chance to upload the photo's, but in the meantime, here's the book that helped me to get some ideas. It's also a really good book for crafts in general and isn't necessarily geared for children. However, the book is really well-rounded and uses just about every material imaginable. You can take a peak at the book at any bookstore, I got this one from Barnes & Noble. If you do, make sure you look at the pages with the aluminum feathers and the lace vases, I love those ideas!!
The book is entitled 'The Big Ass Book of Crafts' by Mark Montano


  1. Very nice layout for you blog. Glad to have found it!

  2. I love the title of this book, and it looks like a whole lot of fun. I'll have to look for it. But as an elementary teacher,I think I'd better COVER the title if I have reason to use the book in school, or I'm afraid I'd be in trouble!

  3. LOl, my I brought it in to my middle school summer class, and they took one look at the cover and then took a look at me and started cracking up. My summer school kids were sooo great this year!
