
Friday, November 12, 2010

Going Green

My school is very eco-conscious and as such each year all the elementary art teachers within the district participates in a recycled art contest using materials that have either been recycled, or can be recycled. This was my first year being a part of this contest and as such I wasn't entirely 'prepared' for what to do, I was given about a month or so's notice and of course, hind sight is 20/20, now that the deadline for the competition is over and I've seen some of the recycled art I've got tons of ideas of what I can have my students do. Oh well, next year. However, this year I did turn out a few things.

Kindergarten created recycled trees. Using phone book pages, grocery bags, cardboard, foam from egg cartons and bottle caps.

4th grade created a collaborative work using magazine pages (and some cardboard as a frame)

I'll post more pictures from the opening in December, you wouldn't believe how great some of the other schools artwork is!

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