
Saturday, February 5, 2011

2 Bites of Tech info (no pun intended :)

Here are two tech-related things you may want to check out.

When you fill out the survey you instantly get a 1 year free digital subscription to School Arts magazine. It's basically the magazine in pdf format so its a really good resource. I happen to enjoy the magazine and find it really useful. This months magazine theme is compassion. You can also check out the School Arts blog here:

The second is a new project created by google which lets you virtually view famous artworks from museums around the world. The MET, MOMA, Frick and more are already up an running on the site. The project is called:

You can also access google art projects through google earth, which will enable you to zoom down from the earth to the front of these museums and 'walk' right in!

The timing happens to be great for me because I'm working on a Van Gogh lesson with my first graders. So next week, we're off the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam!

Happy surfing all!

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