
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

3rd Grade Folktales in Art: Inspired by Paul Klee

Based on Paul Klee's Sinbad the Sailor, students in 3rd grade created their very own folktale scenes. Here's how they did it:

Day 1-2: As a class we discussed Sinbad the Sailor and I highlighted concepts such as shape, color, design, and how artists can be inspired by folktales. I then did a demonstration on how to use watercolors and what warm and cool colors are. Students spent about 2 days finishing their half warm, half cool painted backgrounds.

Day 3: I showed a PowerPoint explaining the characteristics and qualities of folk tales and showed them an image of St. George and the Dragon and an illustration of The Headless Horseman (from the Legend of Sleepy Hollow). I discussed the idea of inferencing, explaining to the students that just like in a book, the most interesting part of the story is the climax or the middle, where the most action happens. I wanted them to create action packed images that really demonstrated the planning of a plot instead of students just drawing battle scenes, or worse, not 'school-appropriate' images. The discussion of inferencing really helped get the idea of telling a story across and when the students were sketching their ideas, they really got into the idea of telling a story!

Day 3-5: Students sketched their ideas and then re-drew them on their background using pencil first, then tracing over it in Sharpie. I tired to emphasize that they use designs on some of their objects/characters like Klee did.

The lesson was great, it allowed for a tremendous amount of self-expression, let the students plan and implement their own artistic ideas, and taught them some basic concepts of art (and literacy). I did the lesson in conjunction with the 3rd grade unit on folktales so the concepts really hit home as well!

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