
Monday, March 14, 2011

Whitney Museum-Edward Hopper and His Time...

Over the weekend I went to the Whitney Museum of American Art (one of my favorite museums) and saw 3 great exhibits:
Modern Life: Edward Hopper and His Time
Glenn Lingon: AMERICA
Singular Visions: Contemporary Art from the Permanent Collection

You're not allowed to take photographs in the museum (grumble), so I'll post up some of the names and artworks I saw in the exhibits. The Edward Hopper exhibit was particularly interesting, it showed a variety of artists who work pre and post World War I and really portrayed an interesting view of American life at the time.

George Bellows, Dempsey and Firpo 1924

Paul Cadmus Sailors and Floosies 1938

William J. Glackens Hammerstein's Roof Garden 1901

Edward Hopper Railroad Sunset 1922Here's a brief description of Edward Hopper and his work:

"Generations of Americans have responded deeply to Hopper's art, to the spartan canvases that reflect the emptiness, and sometimes the almost heroic plainness, of modern American life. As a young artist, Hopper studied with Robert Hneri and other realists who advocated a commonplace subject matter, keyed to everyday American experiences. Hopper first won critical acclaim with the etchings of American life that he began to produce in 1915 and that launched his mature style... For all their apparent realism, Hopper's paintings rarely record actual sites with precision. He sketched assiduously but the fabricated most of his compositions in the studio... In his images of the lighthouses and rocky coasts of New England, of railroads crossing the countryside, or of the streets and interiors of the city, America continues to find in Hopper's art a compelling reflection of itself." From Whitney:American Visionaries (a gallery guide I bought on sale for 3 bucks!)

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