
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Keeping busy

Between buying my first home, taking a graduate course, teaching summer school, and planning a wedding, for the past month, my blogging has taken a back seat. However, even though I haven't had quite the time I'd like to devote to my blog, it doesn't mean I haven't been learning some pretty cool stuff related to the world of art education... My graduate course was based on integrating the museum experience into the art room and I've just finished putting together my summer middle school crafts curriculum. So what I'm saying is...the posting hiatus hasn't been for lack of subject matter! Now that my schedule has lightened up for the next week or two I'm going to try and catch up on some much needed updates :). Here's an easy and fun post to start.

I came across this blog yesterday while searching for collage artists. I couldn't resist posting it because even though the subject matter is dogs, the collage work is so damn beautiful! I once took a class called 'painting with paper' which was all about creating painterly effects with different types of papers and this work really reminds me of that. The black Labrador is especially striking with its cool tones! The artist is Sam Price. Here are some additional links to his work:

Dog Art Today

About Sam Price's Work

Sam Price's Website


  1. Thanks so much for the links. I love the dog collages! You are crazy busy! Seems like you're managing to juggle everything. :)

  2. My pleasure, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
