
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Kindergarten Color Wheel Clowns

After teaching my students all about primary colors and lines I wanted a project that would introduce them to the secondary colors and show them how primary and secondary colors are connected to one another in terms of color theory.  I came across color wheel clowns on some blogs and websites noted below and decided to try it out. 

Deep Space Sparkle
Tatanka Art
Studio Zanne

We began by discussing patterns and looking at different clowns and their bright colorful pattern-filled clothing, I then had the students use 12x18" white paper folded in half to paint two different patterns.  Later on, these patterns would be cut up and used to collage the arms and legs of their clown.  After that I had them trace a plastic lid on a 9x12" piece of white paper and draw and then cut out their clowns face.  Before they drew their face, I put up a few images on the Smartboard for them to view as reference.  I then pre-made a color wheel about the size of a 9x12 paper and demonstrated how to paint a color using only the primary colors. I posted a picture of the color wheel and showed them that if they paint the primaries first, they can figure out which two colors mix together to make the secondaries. Lastly, students collage on the head, body, arms and legs and draw on hands and feet. 
The thing I love most about this project is the vast differences in the final product and the lively and humorous expressions the clowns have.  They really do embody the personalities of their creators!
I'll post a few more individual pictures in the next day or two.

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