
Sunday, September 23, 2012

U.S. Enterprise Visit and Outer Space Lessons

Last weekend I had the pleasure of visiting the U.S. Intrepid Air and Space Museum in Manhattan.  This was my first visit to the Intrepid and I was amazed at the sheer size and mass of the air craft carrier.  Even more amazing was the space shuttle Enterprise.  I was lucky to have an in-depth guided tour from my father in law who for many years worked for Grumman as an aerospace engineer. 

I think anything pertaining to space exploration would be immensely fascinating to students, particularly boys, who are usually a bit tougher to really engage in art making especially if the lesson pertains to Georgia O'Keeffe flowers or Monet's waterlilies, lol. The possibilities of what could be taught are endless: space crafts, lunar excursion modules, astronauts, moon craters, shooting stars, nebula's, planets, supernovas, aliens, UFO's..I could go on and on, AND  it makes for a great cross curricular topic.

  Here are a few science themed lesson ideas I came across,  enjoy!

PuppyJaws Blog

Art Lessons for Kids Website

 That Artist Woman Blog

Second Grade Solar Systems-From my blog

 Kids Artists Blog

 Field Elementary Art Blog


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