
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Ipads and art part 2

To finish out my first week with the ipads, I tried 2 new lessons ideas.  
Both lessons began by watching the Brainpop video on Georgia O'Keeffe.

The first lesson was based on the idea of illustrating emotions with line, shape, and color. I did this with my 4th graders. I began by giving the class a list of 6 emotions (frustrion, fear, anger, shyness, calm, happy) and had them use the Doodle Buddy app to illustrate their chosen emotion.  Then I had the students walk around with slips of paper that had emotions written on them and try to match the emotions use the drawings. 
As a class we sat together at my class carpet and chose a few to discuss the emotions that were assigned to the illustration.  We discussed what made the match a success or what could have been done to make a mismatch more accurately represent that chosen emotion.  The idea behind it was to illustrate that artists develop a visual vocabulary and use it to create works that represent more than just the simple shapes that make up the composition.  Georgia's artwork was modernist and represented both her imagination and real life.  The changes she did make to her real life objects represented her idea and were purposeful and meaningful.  The kids enjoyed it and really seemed to understand how certain lines/ shapes/and colors could really represent emotions. Sorry, I don't have pictures, my camera battery died that day!

The second lesson was also with 4th grade.  We watched the brainpop video and I then gave the kids a few minutes to explore the app wordfoto.  They explored the app using the stock photo that comes with the app.  Then I had them use brainstorm a list of facts about O'Keeffe based on what they learned from their first 2 projects and the video.  They used prints I had on hand at their tables to photograph an O'Keeffe image and then used the app to to add a 'word set' of 10 words from their brainstormed list.  The colors and effects can be altered to remain similar to the image or change completely. Below are the pictures from this activity:
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks I just got doodlebuddy and the photo word app! they are great!
