
Friday, January 2, 2015

4th Grade Pop Art Prints

I don't think I've ever taught a pop art project before. It's not that I don't like pop art because I do, I just haven't gotten around to teaching that particular movement. Apparently this has been a big mistake because I've had quite a few students tell me that the pop art prints they made with my leave replacement was one of their favorite projects OF ALL TIME!  Say whaaaa?? Who would've thought they'd love it so much?!! I teach a printmaking every year but I suppose it's just not the same unless it's pop art! 

 I think the students were given the option of drawing their own symbol or tracing pre-made ones, which I have mixed feelings about.  Given the fact that it's a pop art project, is it ok for the students to trace their images, or does it devalue the art making experience when you simply can copy something?  Andy Warhol made his fame from appropriating recognizable images and after he gained some notoriety, didn't even make the prints himself, but had a "factory" of people making it for him. I wonder if in this instance, if you discuss with children the idea of appropriation in art and copyright, and the way it was used within the movement, if it becomes valid for them to trace images...What are your thoughts???


  1. These are great! Were they done with foam plates? I'm always curious as to how to get all the ink off these without them getting too wet when you want to reuse them with a different color ink. Do you have any tips you can share on that?

  2. Hi, thanks for sharing your blog! The printing was done using "Scratch Art" Scratch Foam from dick blick. The sheets are pkgs of 12 12x18" sheets cut down into 4-6x9" pieces each.
    The kids draw on newsprint cut to the same size and then trace over it onto the foam with a pencil. They then re-trace the foam using a ball point pen to make the lines deep and thick. They can use paint or washable printing ink, Sax makes a great printing ink called true flow. I don't usually wipe the foam off but just have them reprint on top of the previous color. My leave replacement did this lesson so she may have had them wipe or rinse them. I have a bunch of spray bottle so it's possible she had them just spray and then wipe the color off while wet. The printed on different colored paper and then mounted it. 4 prints will probably take 2-40 minute sessions in addition to teaching the content. Hope that helps!

  3. Thanks so much for these instructions! I'm definitely using this lesson and your tips are great.

  4. I'm not a big fan of copying / tracing either, but it does have its place in art education. For this lesson, I think it was fine! These turned out great, but I like to coke-a-cola one the best!

  5. Oh, these pop prints are adorable, what a fun project! I remember when I was in elementary school art was always my favorite class. It was something I could use to really express myself. I still feel the same way. It's so crucial that kids get to experience and learn about art.

  6. Thanks Clarice, I agree with what you said about children having the opportunity to express themselves...I also think what the kids loved so much about the project was ability to connect with pop culture, which they are so in-tune with at this age.
