
Friday, October 9, 2015

Bulletin Boards for the New School Year

At the end of every school year I save a few of the last projects for the following September bulletin boards.  I remember the panic I felt my first year at my current school with 3 large boards to finish and no artwork to put on them.  I remember the anxiety I had worrying about what I could possibly fill the space with.  Now, each year I look forward to filling the boards.  I am responsible for three boards and two showcases and so I start each year off by hanging student work on the two smaller boards and by creating a "welcome back" piece on the largest main board in the front lobby. In the past I've used Dr. Seuss and Eric Carle as inspiration. The Eric Carle boards post is HeRe and the Dr. suess boars post is HeRe.


This year, I used the Elephant and Piggie books by Mo Willems as inspiration. A year or two ago our school librarian told me that the kids LOVED this series, and since then, making a board using it has always been in the back of my mind.  I leafed through a few of the books, created a short story board of what I wanted the characters to say, and then drew the images based on that.

On the main board I usually laminate my work and when I hang student work, I try and rotate the work on and off the board every four weeks max, otherwise the work always get shredded up. Do any of you find you have problems with kids tearing or shredding work on bulletin boards? I don't feel like the kids do it intentionally, but the boards do seem to get pretty gnarly pretty quickly in my school!

 Here's to another great year everyone!

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