The first is through the Museum of Modern Art and its called Modern Teachers. It doesn't contain extensive art information but it does have a really cute interactive cartoon called Destination Modern Art which is similar to the animated flash video on the National Gallery of Washington's site. As you pilot your alien friend through the gallery you can stop and 'look, listen, and interact' with the various artworks hung on the gallery walls.

The third site is a new blog I came across from the art teachers listserv it is for Art Education Videos suitable for grades k-12. I was perusing it and came across a 2-minute video I particularly liked on Herb Williams, an artist who does all his sculptures out of crayola crayons! On the side search bar you have to click crayon sculptures.

Lastly here is another site from the listerv, called Glogster which I am about to check out right now. Supposedly its a great resource for creating/altering SMARTBOARD activities. But I'll let you know in a few days...In the meantime, Enjoy!
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