The site is called 'blabberize'. You upload images then add talking mouths to them. The mouths can say whatever you record. It's hysterical. AND, its a great tool to use in the elementary art classroom. You can add a bit of humor and bring images of artists 'to life', what better way to get your students into their learning. Alright, I'm going to stop right there for fear of sounding like an advertisement. (but I can't wait to try it out! :))
So cool I'm going to blabbertize something now! thanks!
That blabbertize site sounds pretty neat. I wonder if it's easy. I'll be checking it out soon. Thanks for the idea of taking a famous artist portrait and making the artist say something. That'd be a great idea for art appreciation.
I've selected you for a blogger's award on my blog. I hope you'll have time to accept it.
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