Well I'm thrilled to say that this year I am starting over in a new school, in a new area, and of course, in a new room! I spent what felt like all of last week sorting, organizing, moving, and cleaning the room so that I'm ready for the first day on Tuesday. I'm very lucky to have such a great room this year. Coming from last year, where I taught from a cart, it's a totally different experience. Plus, my room used to be what looks like an old wood shop room, so it's actually two rooms long! I have a big storage closet, a kiln, and tons of cabinets, drawers, and shelving. So much so, that I feel like no matter what I did to the room last week it still feels empty! I know its a work in progress and I look forward to spicing it up so that it looks like a proper art room, but it will definitely take some time. For now I concentrated on my two bulletin boards, organizing and labeling the drawers the students will be using, and my management systems and such. Here's a few pictures of two bulletin boards that I completed and the inside classroom bulletin boards. However, I must give credit where credit is due, and being that I'm a fairly new art teacher I get a lot of ideas and inspiration from you, my fellow art teachers (and bloggers). So here is a gigantic
THANK YOU to all those of you who have such outstanding and inspiring imaginations and whose ideas of adopted for the start of this year. If you haven't checked out these blogs or sites definitely do so, they've inspired me and I'm sure they will do the same for you!!!
Jungle themed classroom setup ideas:
( for the 'Let's Get Art Smart' bulletin board idea)
( for the 'Pea's' bulletin board idea-although, I think this board was pulled from another site prior to the one I listed as well, but I'm not sure what site)

Congrats on your room and good luck on the first day!!! It will be great I'm sure:)
Thanks so much! Great blog by the way! Enjoy your school year as well!
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