Keith haring is one of my favorite artists to teach children. His
art always captivates and intrigues children and his style is easy to
replicate. I feel like students get really excited when they see that
they can create something that looks like a 'real' work of art (even
though they are wonderful artists already). This lesson took about 6
sessions and at the start of each we looked at a different Haring work,
and every time we did, students were totally enthralled. As a follow up
activity for students who finished early I gave out a Keith Haring
coloring book and some thumb-nail sized reference pictures to use as inspiration for some 'free drawing' time and even those came out great.
Here are some details:
The vocabulary in the lesson included: symbolism, color, line, shape, and design. The requirement for the project was that it has to contain 3 or more figures, and 5 or more designs.
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